Affordable remote controlled tracked slasher mower for sale with best price

With its remarkable 200-meter remote control capacity of our remote controlled tracked slasher mower, you can take control of the situation like never before. Let’s say you’ve got a large meadow on a slope behind your cabin.

Vigorun VTLM800 petrol powered customized color zero turn hillside with CE EPA approval remote controlled tracked slasher mower China manufacturer low price for sale

In the past, trying to mow it with a regular mower was a recipe for disaster. But now, with the Vigorun mower, you can perch yourself in a safe spot, remote in hand, and watch as the remote controlled tracked slasher mower (yes, our trusty VTLM800 remote control lawn mower) navigates the tricky terrain. It’s like having a personal lawn assistant that obeys your every command.

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Safety is also a top priority. No more tiptoeing around steep slopes, worried about a tumble. The remote control function of our remote controlled tracked slasher mower keeps you at a safe distance, away from flying debris and potential accidents. You can relax knowing that your mowing days are now worry-free.

Compared with similar products in the European and American markets, we have a huge price advantage and guaranteed product quality, allowing you to spend less money and enjoy the same or even better lawn mowers.

Driving MethodCrawlerCrawlerWheeled
Engine / PowerLoncin 224cc 4.5KwLoncin 452cc 9.2KwLoncin 224cc 4.5Kw
Cutting Width600mm800mm550mm
Adjustable Cutting HeightYes, by remoteYes, by remoteYes, by hand
Self ChargingYesYesYes

We are looking for agents, distributors and dealers of?radio controlled mower?all over the world, welcome to contact us for more details.

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