petrol working degree 40° walking speed 0~6Km/h remote control grass cutter lawn mower

Hey there, lawn enthusiasts! Are you tired of the old – fashioned, labor – intensive ways of keeping your grass in check? Well, it’s time to meet the game – changing petrol remote control grass cutter lawn mower from Vigorun Tech.

Vigorun gasoline engine VTLM800 tracked affordable Customized all terrains Euro 5 EPA certified remote control grass cutter lawn mower low price Buy from China manufacturer

Imagine you have a large, sprawling estate with acres of grass to cover. With our lawn mower robot, you can start the engine in the morning and let it do its thing. As it zips around, cutting through the thickest of grasses, it’s also replenishing its energy reserves. And when it comes to moving around, the walking system is battery – driven. So, if you just need to move walking speed 0~6Km/h remote control grass cutter lawn mower a short distance or if the battery still has juice, you don’t even have to fire up the gasoline engine. It can glide smoothly and quietly, saving fuel and reducing noise pollution.

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One of the best things about our working degree 40° remote control grass cutter lawn mower is how easy it is to use. Even if you’re not a tech whiz, you’ll be able to master the controls in no time. It’s as simple as playing a video game. You can direct it to mow in specific patterns, avoid obstacles, and even schedule it to start mowing at a certain time.

Compared with similar products in the European and American markets, we have a huge price advantage and guaranteed product quality, allowing you to spend less money and enjoy the same or even better lawn mowers.

Driving MethodCrawlerCrawlerWheeled
Engine / PowerLoncin 224cc 4.5KwLoncin 452cc 9.2KwLoncin 224cc 4.5Kw
Cutting Width600mm800mm550mm
Adjustable Cutting HeightYes, by remoteYes, by remoteYes, by hand
Self ChargingYesYesYes

We are looking for agents, distributors and dealers of?radio controlled mower?all over the world, welcome to contact us for more details.

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